Intesa Saopaolo

Driving Collaboration across an International Network

Intesa Sanpaolo logo

Intesa Sanpaolo is among the top banking groups in the eurozone, with a market capitalization of €52.9 billion and a workforce of 90,000.

Business Challenge

Alongside its 4,500 Italian branches, Intesa Sanpaolo operates 1,400 branches serving 8.4 million customers in areas within Central Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

An international network of specialists also supports corporate customers across 29 countries where Italian multinational companies are most active, including the United States, Russia, China, and India.

The bank set a strategic goal of improving the business communication skills of its workforce to enable more effective global collaboration and increase customer satisfaction by developing their Business English skills while enhancing organizational productivity.


Learnship Baseline was used to evaluate the existing Business English skill levels of nearly 3,000 members of its Italian workforce. The assessment included familiar, business-specific content from the company’s own work environment.

Learnship Solo was augmented with trainer-led online face-to-face training for a tailor-made learning solution. Exercises involving accents and dialects allowed learners to listen to different people from around the world speaking English, offering ideal preparation for conference calls. Relevant content built into the program also included topical articles and opinion pieces that kept learners in tune with the context of global business.


The Learnship Intelligence customer success framework and flipped classroom approach delivered a cost-effective program with better efficiency and productivity, higher levels of employee engagement, and improved collaboration.

99% of users were active participants in the program.
63% improved one level, while 13% improved more than two levels in six months.

A survey of just over 2,000 employees revealed that 76% of participants had met or exceeded their targeted improvement goals during the aggressive six-month time frame.

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